Halloween Witch

Halloween Legends

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All cats, was claimed by Inquisitor Nicolas Remy, to be demons. In 1387 Lombard Witches were said to worship the devil as a cat and medieval christians exposed cats to torture and fire along with witches. However the cats had their revenge for such injustices known as the Black plague, a form of bubonic plague. Had the church let their people keep their cats, the fleas on the rats which overran the cities may not have brought Europe to its knees. The plague was instead blamed on Vampires.
By the 1930's and 40's the black cat became a fun and familiar symbol of Halloween.

The Crone or Hag

Scottish legend describes this powerful lady with a hedious blue face, wearing plaid and carrying a staff,walking with a stick, or mallet.In the whirlpool of Corryvreckan she washes her plaid until it is snowy white thus ushering in the winter. She is known to be the guardian of the wild animals and the streams and wells and is considered a personification of winter from samhain to beltainne.When made mad she may unleash the wolfwind to keep the warmth of Beltainne from returning. She stands for the common sense, intelligence,diplomacy and prudence that is earned as faced with the golden years of age. Some modern day witches are offended when they see the crone or hag flying on her broomstick as decoration on peoples houses. When you look at the crone, think of the wisdom and history that she carries with her and that by using such decoration we are honoring that memory and continuing a most beloved halloween tradition.

By the 1930's, beggars nights were participated nationwide and the "trick-o-treat" greeting was said by all. The word "Halloween" is thought to have originated from All Hallows Eve, observed by catholics on November 1. However long before that the celebration of Samhain was practised by pagans and witches ,just as it is now on October 31.

In Northern Britain the words ghost and guest(geist)are the same word.
One of the most diabolically frightening of all ghosts is the Arabian afrit--the vengeful spirit of a murdered man. It is said that a afrit materilizes from the blood that pours or drips to the ground from a murder victim. The only way to block an afrit from arising to wreak havoc on the living is to drive a new nail into the ground where the murder occurred. The traditional method of nailing down the ghost is similar to the method of dealing with vampires used in East European culture, although the undead are more vulnerable to wooden stakes.
Almost all ghosts share one of the same weaknesses as vampires. According to legend, they are free to roam at night, but when the cock crows to signal a new dawn, they must return to the grave.